Lessons for Children - Advanced

Mondays at 4pm - AXA Pool

Thursday at 6pm - Strahov Pool

Swimming is a great fun and we want children to understand that. That is why we train only once a week. The last thing we want is to put too much pressure on them. Swimming competitions are not our goal.

No one shouts at our students or makes them do what they don’t want to. Despite that they will learn 4 swim strokes while having plenty of fun with friends.

For a group of 8, in their own line.

This course is suitable for children who can swim easily 100m by front crawl. If you do not feel your child reached this level but still wants to take part in the course, let us know and we can organize private lessons to get him/her to the right level before the group course starts. More information HERE.

Price includes

Monday at 4pm AXA (2nd semester 2023/2024)

18(+2*) lessons for 8100,- Kč

Days:29.1., (5.2. a 12.2. - spring break), 19.2., 26.2., 4.3., 11.3., 18.3., 25.3., (1.4. - velikonoce), 8.4., 15.4., 22.4., 29.4, 6.5., 13.5., 20.5., 27.5., 3.6., 10.6., 17.6.24

*another bonus 2 lessons can be taken in another group  to agreement with the Head Coach

Thursday at 4pm Strahov pool (2nd semester 2023/2024)

17(+2*) lessons for 7650,- Kč

Days: 1.2., (8.2., 15.2. - jarní prázdniny), 22.2., 29.2., 7.3., 14.3., 21.3., (28.3. - velikonoce), 4.4., 11.4., 18.4., 25.4., 2.5., 9.5., 16.5., 23.5., 30.5., 6.6., 13.6., 20.6.24

*another bonus 2 lessons can be taken in another group  to agreement with the Head Coach


Bazén AXA

Bazén AXA




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